1 Petu - Don't Wake Me Up (Club Mix)
2 Petu - Don't Wake Me Up

About Album

Petu is a 20 years old guy from Bilbao (Spain) who loves creating music and this song is one of my latest productions. “Don´t Wake Me Up” is a tropical house song in which I have used an acoustic guitar as the main melody, combined with other organic and electronic elements, to create a summery atmosphere. This track has been sung by a female vocalist with a very sweet voice. The song is gathering strength leading to a melodic and chill drop. Thank you so much for listening to it and I hope you like it as much as I do.

Release Date
August 14, 2020

Available Lyrics

Petu - Don't Wake Me Up (Club Mix)
Petu - Don't Wake Me Up
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Deep Winder is our Deep- and Future House label, which is part of the Deep Winder family. Started as an exploration and ended up working to reshape the EDM industry.


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